
IQ University

Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy

We want to help you make better financial decisions.

Queensborough offers an educational program to leading businesses in our service areas,
as a courtesy to help your employees become more productive and financially savvy.
We appreciate the opportunity to serve you.


Queensborough’s iQ University (iQU) is helping to build the foundation for a thriving community through financial literacy. The goal is to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools to improve their financial health.

The program is made up of courses that can be tailored to meet the needs of companies, churches, families, organizations and individuals. This service is offered at no charge and there is no obligation for employees or members to bank with Queensborough National Bank. The program is part of Queensborough’s commitment to strengthen financial stability of the communities that it serves.

Course Outline

1 Understanding Credit

The course Understanding Credit covers the following topics: the reasons for having good credit, simple ways to improve your credit score, debt-to-income ratio and how it’s calculated, and how to read a credit report.

2 Budgeting

Close to 61% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck; effective budgeting can assist in changing this statistic. This Budgeting course explains the elements of a budget, additional budget items to consider, and gives a sample budget worksheet to use for setting up your own budget. 

3 Investing

This Investing course covers the definition of many investment terms and explains the different levels of investment risk. 

4 Retirement

This retirement course explains the importance of saving for retirement, how to determine how much you will need for retirement, and the different types of retirement plans. 

5 Insurance

This insurance course explains the different types of insurance that are available to protect you financially in the event that something goes wrong. 

6 Homeownership

This Homeownership course covers the different types of home loans and the components for a mortgage payment.

7 Education

This Education course explains the options for saving and/or borrowing for education and the consequences and/or benefits that may be associated with each option. 

8 Estate Planning

This Estate Planning course explains the ten things that you need to know about estate planning, a trust, how assets pass after death, and where your assets will go when there is no will. 

We care about your financial health

Queensborough cares about your financial health and wants to help you monitor your expenses and manage your money. Below are resources that can help you better understand how to budget your finances while avoiding overdraft fees. If you have any questions about the information offered here, please contact your local branch to set up a time to talk to a Q banker in your area.


This tool offers recommendations that are designed to help you establish and grow your personal savings.


Six ways to improve your credit score. Don't let a poor credit score stand in your way of owning a home or achieving your dreams.


These helpful books and web sites can further help you with effective money management.

Call us today to inquire about our
complimentary educational program

(706) 798-2424

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