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Your Health Is Your Wealth

Published on March 25, 2020

Your Health Is Your Wealth

As the world reels around the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, there is an alarming realization that our health is at stake. While the number of cases grows worldwide, the uncertainty of the future grows even greater.

However, long before the coronavirus took the scene; the health of America was already in a crisis. According to statistics, Americans were previously plagued with a list of serious diseases, with heart disease being the number one killer. Research also reveals that some of the leading causes of death in Americans include: Alzheimer's disease, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, obesity, kidney disease, and opioid overdose.

So, how does one of the wealthiest nations in the world rank as one of the poorest in health? Data highlights some possible explanations, but all of the answers aren't evident. Yet, there are various factors that contribute to poor health. Things such as genetics, unfavorable lifestyle choices, economic disadvantages, lack of insurance, lack of adequate healthcare, and merely the lack of knowledge. 

Fortunately, many chronic illnesses are manageable as well as preventable by simply having routine checkups, a strict exercise regimen, and a healthy diet. 

Thus, as we navigate through this present global health crisis, we must take preventative measures to protect our physical health and our mental health alike. 

During this unstable time, we must put forth our best efforts to be optimistic, productive, and as stress-free as possible.

Listed below are a few ways to release anxiety and perhaps embrace peace during this critical storm. They include but are not limited to:

  • Focus on the Positive - Look for the light in dark situations. There is usually a silver lining in the darkest of circumstances.

  • Meditate - Focus and think about things that are relaxing and uplifting. Choose not to worry.

  • Pray - Release your heartfelt cares and concerns to a higher power.

  • Journal - Write down your thoughts on a daily basis and the things you are most grateful for. Journaling can be a stress reliever and very therapeutic.

  • Read - Read any book, fiction or non-fiction, which may entertain, educate or inspire you.

  • Listen to Music - Listen to music that makes you “bop your head" or soothes your soul.

  • Watch a Movie - Binge on your favorite movies or television shows.

  • Launch a Social Media Site - If you have something positive to contribute to the world that can add value to people's lives, share it through social media.

  • Spend Quality Time with Family- Since the everyday routines of life have been interrupted and involuntarily slowed down, this is the perfect time to create new memories and spend some quality time together as a family.

  • Be Productive - Work on an outstanding project, take up a hobby, spring clean the house, clear out your email inbox, or tackle that dreaded yard work.

  • Craft - Be creative and design something new. Crafting can be a way to release stress and utilize your gifts. Your creation just might bring a little joy to someone else's day.

  • Exercise - Go for a walk, go bike riding, or do a little yoga.

  • Rest - Sit down and be still. Take a few deep breathes and just breathe. This is also the perfect time to sneak in a well-deserved nap.

  • Communicate - If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, talk out your feelings and concerns with friends or family. Don't suppress your feelings, because your feelings matter.

  • Be of Help - In times of trouble, it is easy to be selfish and self-centered. However, it is also the greatest time to assist someone who may need your help. Therefore, during this time, look for opportunities to offer your support to others. Whether it be running errands for the elderly and disabled or sharing your resources with the less fortunate. It is our duty to help and serve the people who are depending on us most.

  • Disconnect - For a period of time disconnect from people, devices, and the news coverage. Take a few minutes a day to decompress and have some quiet time. Dim the lights, light a candle and chill.

  • Encourage Yourself - Recognize that after you've done all that is within your control, you've done enough. Surrender the things that are beyond your control and be at peace, not in pieces.

  • Seek Counseling - If the pressures of life in this season are overbearing, seek professional help. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable and reach out for the help you need. 



To all who may be unsettled and tossed to and fro by the waves of uncertainty, anchor yourself and resist jumping ship. During this time, we must keep sailing forward towards a brighter day. Therefore, be encouraged and keep in mind that this moment in time shall come to pass. With strength from on high and our joint efforts, we shall emerge from this storm as a stronger, wiser, more compassionate and united people. 

Stay safe and avoid exposure. Available online services of QNBT include online mobile banking and online business banking capabilities. If Queensborough can be of any help, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 478-625-2000 or visit us at

Remember, life is fragile and it is truly a gift. Therefore, value it because your health is your wealth.


Tavella, Vincent. "What are the leading causes of death in the US?" Medical News Today. July 4, 2019. Web. 22 March 2020.


Montez D. Williamson, Q Mortgage Loan Specialist

Martinez, GA 

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