


QNB Trust Blog

Truth is-We Miss YOU!

Published on August 25, 2020

Truth is-We Miss YOU!

We are so thankful to have so many ways to bank from home or by phone right now. With our lobbies being closed we are still here to help you with all your banking needs and cash management solutions. If you need to come in to have a face to face appointment or get into your safety deposit box we will make it happen! One of the things I love about Queensborough is we are a community bank. We know our customers- their children, their parents, their likes and dislikes and the way they prefer to bank. In addition to all the perks of being a community bank we are also able to provide all the technology of big banks. I like to think of Queensborough as the whole package! 

I want our customers to know that while we understand many people can handle most of their business without ever stepping out of their home this is not how some prefer to bank. So many of us crave the face to face interaction. We enjoy entering a place of business and talking to someone in person. We welcome friendly greetings, familiar faces, and small talk. Some still prefer to cash their paycheck at the end of every week or come withdraw cash before every weekend-you are our regulars and we miss you if you skip just one week. Having a debit card is a wonderful convenience but, sometimes, you just want or need cold hard cash from a warm friendly face.

Many people think and are speculating banks are trying to push everyone into a cashless way of life. This is not so! We take pride in being able to provide those crisp “pretty” one hundred dollar bills at Christmas for all of your children and grandchildren. We get excited when a customer asks for a $2 bill and we have what they need. We love to sell a silver eagle coin to the one special customer who comes in to buy one for her husband each Christmas. I am thankful our tooth fairy is always able to get a gold Sacagawea dollar coin when a tooth is lost. Seems like finding a check under your pillow just would not be the same. The fact is we are in the people and money business and we love both! 

The other day I came across a quote “Nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it” by Calla Quinn. This completely describes how I feel about our bank lobby right now. Our lobbies are empty and we all miss all of you! We do not want to be a cashless bank and we certainly do not want to be a people less bank! While we are still able to work with the lobby closed it just is not the same for any of us. Yes, sometimes we happen to walk by the drive thru at the perfect moment to say a quick hello and how are you but it just is not the same. Our lobbies feel empty and we are ready for the lobby to be full again. We are ready for a time when it will not be just a quick “Hey! How are you?” but a few minutes to stand closer than 6 feet and find out how your grandson did on the travel ball team this year or how moving your first child into college went. 

Queensborough wants you to be able to bank how you want to bank! If you prefer doing banking the cashless way you can and if you want to deal in cash you can. Changing times will not change Queensborough! Helping people is the business we are in and we hope you know the truth is-we miss you!


Vicki Anderson

Q Branch Manager and Loan Officer, Swainsboro, GA

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