


QNB Trust Blog

Empowered Through Education To Serve

Published on January 22, 2020

Empowered Through Education To Serve

We are living in a culture that's dominated by information. Whether it is social media, billboards, television, or radio ads - there is no direction you can turn where a barrage of information is not competing for your attention.

However, not all the surplus of information is irrelevant. There is certain data that can empower us in both our individual lives as well as our professional lives.

Here at Queensborough National Bank, a plethora of relevant information is shared on a regular basis. Through extensive training, employees are equipped with knowledge to ensure customers have the best consumer experience.

Employees are educated on topics such as Internet Security, Customer Service, Compliance, Identity Theft, and Fair Lending, just to name a few.

Therefore, one can be assured that doing business with our local community bank (Georgia's Community Bank since 1902) is equally competent, competitive, and credible as doing business with a larger scale bank. Queensborough takes pride in their customers, and is empowered through education to serve the community.

Montez D. Williamson, Queensborough Mortgage Loan Specialist

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